British coffeehouse chain Costa Coffee has expanded its summer 2024 drinks menu with the introduction of the new Cookie Dough Frappé

From 20 June 2024, Costa Club members are granted exclusive early access to the beverage, with availability extending to all customers a week later.

The coffeehouse chain has combined vanilla with cookie chunks to create the new offering.

Cookie Dough Frappé is topped with a light whip, cookie dough fudge pieces and chocolate sprinkles, and is available in small and medium sizes.

The new addition is part of Costa Coffee’s summer 2024 menu, which includes new and returning items.

Among these are the Iced Whipped Latte, a new fruity Bubble Tea, a range of flatbreads and a plant-based Gingernut Loaf Cake.

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Costa Coffee beverage innovation director Sandra Ferreira said: “Early bird gets the dough if you’re part of our Costa Club, as from tomorrow, members can get one week early, exclusive access to our brand new, mouthwatering Cookie Dough Frappé.”

In June 2024 Costa Coffee opened its renovated Tooley Street store in central London, UK.

The Tooley Street location features touchscreen ordering systems to streamline the purchasing process.

Alongside this technological upgrade, the store now features a contemporary seating area.

Established in London by Italian brothers Sergio and Bruno Costa in 1971, Costa Coffee has a footprint in 50 countries, with more than 2,700 coffee shops in the UK and Ireland and more than 1,300 globally.