The last 12 months has witnessed a period of unprecedented change for food businesses that supply the food chain of this country. This year will see consumers demanding more flavour, more healthy options and more innovation. Jason Bull, sales director, Eurostar Commodities and BiteUK, provides us with his top predictions for the food market in 2018.
Brexit will continue to dominate headlines as the details are ironed out. There are huge issues and a lack of clarity around work-force and exchange rate. Many businesses will prepare for a hard Brexit and seek out alternative supply chains predominantly with old commonwealth countries. As these new agreements are made we’re going to see trade with New Zealand, Australia, South Africa, India and Canada.
Instead of Seville oranges expect to see oranges from South Africa, and perhaps other citrus which will be new to us for example, Kumquat and the Calamondin which has fruit like tiny oranges and is very decorative. Their primary use is ornamental as the fruit is sour, although the skin and flesh are good in marmalades.
Vegan will continue to grow and mainstream brands like Pret A Manger will continue to roll out veggie stores meaning foodie brands will continue to include vegan as a pillar in new product development. We predict that vegan protein will continue to feature strongly and will perform at a higher level than organic during 2018.
We’ll go loopy for Lupin
Lupin or lupini beans are the yellow legume seeds of Lupinus genus. They are traditionally eaten as a pickled snack food, primarily in the Mediterranean basin and Latin America. Lupin “significantly” lowers blood pressure and improves insulin sensitivity. Lupin-enriched foods help with appetite control.
A study at the University of Western Australia found people who had lupin bread for breakfast ate up to 20% less for lunch than people who ate white bread for breakfast. When people eat lupin-enriched bread they feel fuller more quickly and that fullness lasts, so people eat less at their next meal.
Anyone for Tumeric?
2018 is going to be the year that Turmeric comes to the forefront of your flavour palate. We’re going to see Turmeric come centre stage as a named and lead ingredient.
Healthy snacks boom
2018 will see the continued boom in terms of healthy snacking. The British public is wise to hidden sugars and salts and wants to eat different formats and healthier ingredients (avoiding refined sugars and binders in favour of chicory and fibres).
Healthy snacks catering for specialist diets are going to come into the mainstream because texture and taste has improved significantly. Expect to see big launches and listings for Bite UK in 2018.
Green and purple pizza
Looking around the world, pizza is understood as a different culinary concept, especially during the last few years. The increase of well-being awareness has led to a more conscious “good way of eating” which is only the starting point of the pizza’s revolution.
Pizza bases made from vegetable flours will grow and feature strongly, tying in with the gluten free trend that will continue to grow using natural ingredients.
Brown rice
Brown rice is growing rapidly at the moment. Only a few years ago you’d have to go to a specialist shop to find brown rice, but as part of the health trend people are turning to brown rice as a healthy carbohydrate to serve with virtually any meal. Watch it start appearing on restaurant menus, in your sushi rolls and many more options on the supermarket shelf.
Pizza for Brekkie?
What’s the most important nutritional value within a pizza? Carbohydrates! So there is no better time than breakfast to enjoy a good pizza! The key point relies on creating a pizza that offers the right nutrition levels that are required at breakfast time.
The concept is not new – very popular in the Roma region of Italy is a crunchy slice – a perfect little pizza served in small portions, firm enough to be a perfect base topped with cold toppings (meats, ham etc.), raw vegetables and fresh fruits and served in the mornings.