Multinational fast food restaurant chain McDonald’s has temporarily removed tomatoes from its burgers and wraps in some parts of India due to high pricing, supply and quality concerns.

According to Reuters, the prices of tomatoes in the country are said to have increased to a record high of 288% within a period of one month.

The government has attributed this sudden surge in price to the lean production season and the effects of extreme weather conditions on growing areas. However, it added that some McDonald’s store managers also blamed the removal on the quality of the tomatoes.

Citing the company spokesperson, ET Hospitality World reported: “We are working towards resolving this issue by employing sustainable agriculture practices, including hydroponically-grown tomatoes in a completely controlled environment to de-risk our requirements from vagaries of season.

“This cutting-edge technique ensures a sustained and world-class tomato supply at all times, independent of unpredictable weather patterns.”

The chain intends to bring tomatoes back to the menu as soon as the supply chain improves.

McDonald’s is also said to have been planning to invest in sustainable agriculture to grow tomatoes through hydroponic farming.

Last month, McDonald’s India partnered with tech company Simpl to further improve the online checkout experience of its customers.

In May 2023, Westlife Foodworld, the owner and operator of McDonald’s restaurants in west and south India, appointed its former vice-chairman Amit Jatia as chairperson.