Online restaurant search engine Sirved has launched a search engine and mobile app to help customers locate their desired menu choices from all local restaurants across Canada.

A team of entrepreneurs have worked alongside Sirved co-founders Jonathan Leslie and Kyle Brown, along with chief technology officer Derek Watts, to design the menu search engine.

“We’ve created a win-win scenario where we help restaurants connect with new customers in new ways while boosting the usage of our app.”

They have developed the service by leveraging artificial intelligence algorithms and other new techniques, which helps to organise big data and indexes all of the menu items at each restaurant in any area.

Leslie said: “Maximising the local listings for restaurant menus is an easy and free way to utilise organic search while helping restaurants gain exposure online.

“We’ve created a win-win scenario where we help restaurants connect with new customers in new ways while boosting the usage of our app.”

To use the search engine, customers need to download the app and type in their food choice, such as a burger or steak, into the search section. The tool displays local restaurants that are offering these items on their menu.

The tool also provides information regarding the restaurant including its address, contact details and distance from the customer’s location.