Sustainable Restaurant Association (SRA) has partnered with British green energy company Ecotricity to assist foodservice businesses with sustainable power solutions.

The partnership will focus on encouraging businesses to make smart power choices to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and help combat climate change.

According to SRA, food accounts for around 25% of all manmade greenhouse gas emissions. It wants the restaurant industry to focus on reducing its environmental footprint.

Under the deal, Ecotricity will provide information on how to identify green energy, how it works, ways to switch suppliers and other related information to SRA members.

“The UK foodservice sector emits more greenhouse gases than Costa Rica.”

Both organisations will work collaboratively to develop various resources and assist businesses to make an informed decision on switching to green energy and lowering the carbon footprint.

SRA development director Juliane Caillouette-Noble said: “The UK foodservice sector emits more greenhouse gases than Costa Rica. So, we are really excited to be collaborating with Ecotricity to provide our members with clear, practical, timely and relevant information to help them make the right decisions about their energy supply.”

The association’s network currently features more than 8,000 member sites within the foodservice industry, including fine dining restaurants, high street, street-food, and workplace canteens.

Ecotricity founder Dale Vince said: “We are pleased to be working with the SRA and look forward to helping restaurants across the country switch to green energy and help them on their journey to making this a greener Britain.”