A survey conducted for CreditCards.com has shown that American millennials prefer not to tip servers at restaurants compared to their older counterparts.

The survey was carried out online by GfK Custom Research North America on its OmniWeb online omnibus for CreditCards.com . It involved 1,000 adults during 18 to 29 May this year.

According to the findings, 10% of Americans aged 18 to 37 years agreed that they never leave tips and one out of three leave a tip, which is less than 15% of total restaurant tips.

The survey also states that one out of six millennials consider opting for lowest tip options, as well as one out of five choosing to offer no tip at all.

Around 27% of young adults preferred to pay the service charge included in restaurant food prices rather than offering tips to servers.

CreditCards.com senior industry analyst Matt Schulz said: “Tipping at sit-down restaurants has always been the standard in the US, but that’s not necessarily the case in other countries.

“We’re seeing younger adults tipping less, and even showing a greater preference toward eliminating tipping altogether, even if it means paying more on the bill.”

The survey also identified around 27% of people with annual incomes of more than $75,000 and 30% of people with college degrees chose not to tip at restaurants.

In addition, 41% of millennials who dine out are not comfortable sending food back in a restaurant.

Around 21% of millennials chose to opt for higher food prices, however, they do not feel comfortable to offer a tip.